Palmer Square Exchange Traded FundsĀ 

Deep Expertise.

Distinctly Qualified.

Our ETFs

Explore our available funds below.

Palmer Square Credit Opportunities ETF

An actively managed ETF that seeks to generate attractive yield as well as total return through a flexible mandate that will be allocated across a diverse mix of relative value credit opportunities within CLOs, corporate credit, asset-backed securities, and bank loans.

View Palmer Square Credit Opportunities ETF

Palmer Square CLO Senior Debt ETF

An indexed ETF that invests in the AAA and AA debt tranches of the U.S. CLO universe and seeks to replicate the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Palmer Square CLO Senior Debt Index, a proprietary, research-driven, and rules-based index that seeks to define the highest quality and most liquid segments of AAA and AA tranches of the CLO senior debt universe of assets.

View Palmer Square CLO Senior Debt ETF